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John Cobb is an Associate Minister at Shiloh Baptist Church, of Waukegan Located in Waukegan, Illinois. He resides in Hoffman Estates, Illinois with his wife of 45 years. He is the Author of “LORD, WHEN, A Biblical Perspective of the Second Coming”, which focus on critical doctrines relating to the return of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
His latest book, released in July, 2013, is entitled “FROM DEATH TO LIFE, An Overview of the Foundational Doctrines of the Christian Faith”, which focus on central doctrines of the Christian Faith, such as; The Holiness of God, Sin, Predestination, Election, Justification, Foreknowledge and other doctrines.
John Cobb also have appeared as a keynote speaker and Seminar leaders at the Greater Chicago Sunday School Association and has been featured as a guest on various radio and television shows. He is also one of the writers for the National Baptist Convention USA, Inc. Layman’s curriculum.
-John Cobb
Special classes
The Second Coming of Jesus Christ - Session 17
This is an enlightening and thought-provoking session that serves as a comprehensive introduction to the Prewrath view of the rapture of the Church. Delving into biblical prophecy, this session unveils a unique perspective that challenges conventional notions.Through engaging discussions, scriptural analysis, and insights, participants gain a deeper understanding of the Prewrath position and its theological foundations.
The Second Coming of Jesus Christ - Session 1
This begins a series of sessions on the Second Coming. In them, I hope and pray to set forth a biblical perspective of this critical event that ushers in God’s plan for human history. I do not seek to convince you of whether or not your view is incorrect in this area; instead it is to challenge you to bring your understanding and belief of the Second Coming to bear against Scripture and allow the Holy Spirit to illuminate your mind and lead you to truth.
The Pretribulation Rapture Part 1
This is an immersive and session where participants delve into three key passages of Scripture that are frequently cited in support of Pretribulationism. Through meticulous analysis and theological exploration, attendees gain a comprehensive understanding of the foundations and arguments surrounding this eschatological perspective. This session fosters deep engagement, encouraging critical thinking discussions on the Pretribulation view of the rapture.
The Pretribulation Rapture Part 2
In this session we take a look at other passages of Scripture used in support of Pretribulationism, Revelation 3:10. This particular passage is used to support the view that the promise given to the Church of Philadelphia has reference to the Lord Jesus Christ rapturing the church prior to the seven year tribulation period. The key phrase used is “…I will keep thee from the hour of temptation”. We will examine this phrase in light of other passages where the same Greek words are used.
My Favourite Link
Check out some of the links I find helpful for learning the word of God through the Bible.
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From Death to Life
This is a compelling book that offers a transformative journey, exploring the profound themes of redemption and spiritual awakening. Through storytelling and insightful reflections, the author takes readers on a path of discovery, guiding them from the depths of despair to the heights of hope, illuminating the power of faith and the transformative nature of God’s love.

Lord, When?
This is a compelling book that delves into the timeless question of when the Lord will return. Through insightful analysis of biblical prophecies, the author navigates the complexities of eschatology, offering thought-provoking perspectives and encouraging readers to reflect on the profound significance of Christ’s second coming in their lives today.
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Lord, When?
A Biblical Perspective on the Second Coming_
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Sunday school
In this session, we take a look at the reason why the Gospel of John was written and why the apostle John was uniquely fitted to be its writer.
In this session, the Hebrews writer reminds his readers that while there still exists the Temple in Jerusalem with its Altar and sacrifices…
Having completed twelve chapters of expounding the superiority of Jesus Christ over Judaism, the writer of Hebrews gives the benediction…
View Rev. John Cobb’s interview with the late Dr. Waddell Brooks and his co-host Tara Thomas as he discusses key doctrines of the Christian Faith, such as original sin, justification and emphasizes the necessity of the Christians seeing themselves as one body.